Our courses and resources for kids and teens

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Courses and levels for kids and teens

Age group Course CEFR level
6 year olds Primary Plus 1 Age-based
7 year olds Primary Plus 2
8 year olds Primary Plus 3
9 year olds Primary Plus 4
10 year olds Primary Plus 5
Secondary Plus  
(11 to13 years)
Secondary Plus Elementary A1
Secondary Plus Pre-Intermediate A2
Secondary Plus Intermediate 1 B1.1
Secondary Plus Intermediate 2 B1.2
Secondary Plus Upper Intermediate 1 B2.1
Secondary Plus Upper Intermediate 2 B2.2
 Upper Secondary Plus
(14 to 17 years)        
Upper Secondary Plus Elementary A1
Upper Secondary Plus Pre-Intermediate A2
Upper Secondary Plus Intermediate 1 B1.1
Upper Secondary Plus Intermediate 2 B1.2
Upper Secondary Plus Upper Intermediate 1 B2.1
Upper Secondary Plus Upper Intermediate 2 B2.2
Upper Secondary Plus Advanced 1 C1.1
Upper Secondary Plus Advanced 2 C1.2
Upper Secondary Plus C2 C2