19th Annual National IATEFL Ukraine Conference
19th Annual National IATEFL Ukraine Conference
Friday 25 April 2014 - 00:00 to Saturday 26 April 2014 - 00:00
The University of Economics and Law KROK, Kyiv

The National Annual IATEFL Ukraine Conference is jointly organised by IATEFL Ukraine, the British Council Ukraine and the University of Economics and Law KROK, Kyiv with the support of Cambridge.  ELT professionals from around Ukraine and abroad can get together to share, discuss, reflect on and develop their professional ideas and foster IATEFL Ukraine activities as well.  The invited key-note speakers from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are going to present sessions and workshops at the Conference plenary. The format of the Conference will include facilitated themed sessions, interactive workshops and discussions. The conference programme will also provide networking opportunities as well as a chance for ELT professionals to get acquainted with the latest ELT publications and services at a large resources exhibition. 

Key-note Speakers

Tim Phillips

“I am head of teacher development in English & Exams in the British Council, based in Manchester. Among my current responsibilities are the development of our training courses for teachers of English and the TeachingEnglish website. I have worked as a teacher, trainer and project manager in Jerusalem, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia and the Republic of Macedonia. My ELT interests include the professional development of English language teachers and the use of drama and literature in ELT.”

Hugh Dellar 

Is a coordinator in the CELT - Centre for English Language Teaching - department at the University of Westminster. In addition to his coordinating duties, Hugh is also a teacher and teacher trainer and divides his time between teaching General English, working on the MA TESOL and running teacher training courses.

He has been teaching since 1993, predominantly in the UKbut he also spent three years teaching in Jakarta, Indonesia. He is co-author of Outcomes and Innovations and the online teacher development course Teaching Lexically all written with Andrew Walkely. In his spare time Hugh reads voraciously and loves cooking and travelling.

Please send your registration form (can be found here http://www.iatefl-ukraine.org/) by e-mail by 1 April 2014 to writesveta@gmail.com and gannachuiko@gmail.com.