Iain Bellamy's Anorak
Iain Bellamy's Anorak
Thursday 12 June 2014 - 00:00 to Sunday 15 June 2014 - 00:00
Lviv – Rynok Square, near Potocki Palace, culture park of B. Khmelnitskyi

Over 100 musicians from 12 countries – the UK, the USA, Brazil, Germany, Austria, Hungary, France, Israel, India, Ukraine, Georgia and Russia - will perform on three festival stages at Lviv’s annual Alfa Jazz Fest.

The British Council is the proud sponsor of UK saxophonist Iain Ballamy’s Anorak quartet at the festival. Showtime is Saturday, June 14 at 6:00 p.m. in Lviv at Rynok Square.

Iain Ballamy, a force in UK jazz, leads Anorak through cerebral treatments bearing the marks of a broad range of jazz influences. His innovative arrangements brought him a 2001 BBC Jazz Award.

Alfa Jazz has stages set up in the heart of Lviv at Rynok Square and near Potocki Palace – open air venues free to all comers. The festival main stage is at Bodgan Khmelnitskyi Culture Park and offers both ticketed seating and free festival seating with big screen viewing in the park picnic area.

In addition to scheduled concerts, visitors to Alfa Jazz Fest 2014 can choose from a fantastic programme of special events like the “Jazz Mile” charity marathon, geared to raise funds to purchase musical instruments for children in the Lviv region; jazz workshops conducted by the traveling musicians; and wide open jam-sessions where anything can happen and usually does.

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