Wednesday 10 June 2020 -
16:00 to 17:00
Online event

As part of our #AtHome with the British Council programme, we are organising a series of Higher Education dialogues which will help you connect with colleagues from around the world and share your experience. 

The theme of this week discussion was ‘How do universities ensure quality teaching online?’

Moving teaching online is more than just a switch to Zoom or Microsoft Teams.  Together with the change of delivery platform, universities have to consider the pedagogy, methods, tools and models of online teaching in order to maximise the effect of virtual learning environment. 

How can universities ensure the quality to achieve satisfactory results for students and academic staff in regard to a new model of teaching?  

Watch recording from this interactive session and find out more from the experience of universities and quality assurance agencies.

About the speakers 

Moderator Aysen Güven - Director Education in Turkey, British Council.  Aysen has been working intensively on improving the quality of English Provision in the higher education sector in Turkey at the national and institutional level with both Turkish and UK partners. 

Douglas Blackstock - Chief Executive, QAA. His work includes leading QAA’s contribution to the current changes to the policy, regulatory and quality landscape in England and across the UK,  and the Agency’s role in developing the Teaching Excellence Framework alongside other sector partners.    

Prof. Diana Laurillard - Professor, UCL Institute of Education. Her works include leading externally funded research projects, developing learning design support and developing software interventions. 

Prof. Muzaffer Elmas - the first President of the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council. Under his leadership, the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council became a full member of  the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies Prof.

Irma Grdzelidze - Head of Quality Assurance Office, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Her field of expertise is IQM in higher education. In 2014-2019, she was an Expert of Accreditation and Authorization at National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement. Irma has been Higher Education Reform Expert for Erasmus Plus since 2015.  

Once a week, every week, Higher Education professionals will be brought together to exchange knowledge and ideas on different topics. Come back and tune in to find out more. This series is free of charge.