In 2015, we created the world’s first global, online LGBT Film Festival. We made five short films from the British Film Institute’s Flare Festival available for everyone everywhere.
We asked people around the world to watch a film and join us supporting love as a human right. Millions of people in 135 countries took to social media using the hashtag #FiveFilms4Freedom.
From 21 March to 1 April 2018, audiences in London will enjoy BFI Flare, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Film Festival. At the same time you, and people all over the world, can watch five films for free online through the BFI Player during those days.
On Monday, 26 March, fiveFilms4freedom is running a ‘campaign day’ and is asking the world to watch one of the films online.
Find out more details here.