The Selector Pro is a series of music fora involving British and Ukrainian professionals and music lovers that aims for exchange of experience, professional development, and learning new trends in the industry.
The first forum (16-17 June) will focus on current developments and trends in the global and UK music sector, including digital sales and distribution.
15:00 - 16:15 Making Money from Selling your Music
Who: Igor Tarnopolskyi, Kameil Sattar, Grigory Fatyanov
Moderator: Yuriy Marchenko
Physical and Digital distribution: the record has been released and the tour is scheduled, but how else can you get the music you’ve written to earn you money? This panel will look at how to get your music placed in media such as television, games, film projects and other commercial opportunities.
16:45 - 18:00 Intellectual Property
Who: Dmytro Guziy, Ellie Giles, Olga Romanenko
Moderator: Kasha Saltsova
You’ve been offered a contract or a sync for your music, but are you sure it’s a good deal? Seasoned managers and legal experts will cover all that you need to know about author’s and related rights and ownership, royalties and contracts so you get the best deal.
18:30 - 19:30 Music Awards
Who: John Rostron, Valeriya Chachibaya, Pavlo Shylko, Ellie Giles
Moderator: Michael Schur
Music prize winners often gain increased profile and prize money, but the celebration of artistic achievement has a wider role to play.This panel will draw on the experiences of those behind established music awards to discuss the importance and benefits they bring to artists and the music sector.