Project: New Generation School Teachers

In September 2013 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the British Council launched the New Generation School Teacher initiative in response to a pressing need in Ukrainian education: reforming both the content and the methodology of the traditional approach to preparing students studying to be foreign language school teachers in Ukrainian higher education institutions.

The project’s objective was to formulate and circulate a new programme of methodology in Ukrainian pedagogical institutions involved in the preparation of English language school teachers.


13 university teachers representing the following 8 Ukrainian higher education institutions worked on the new programme of instruction for English language teachers: 

  • Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University; 
  • Zhytomyr State University; 
  • Melitopol State Pedagogical University; 
  • Nizhyn State University; 
  • Zakarpattia National University; 
  • Uman State Pedagogical University; 
  • Kharkiv National Pedagogical University; 
  • Chernivtsi National University.


2013-2014 Initial Research
2014-2015 Project Development Meetings
2015-2018 Professional Skill Acquisition Sessions Programme Trainers
2016-2019 Pilot Programme Classroom Instruction with the New Methodology


04-05 March 2013 року Project initiated
18-20 December 2013  Study-visit to the Modern Languages Institute in Uzbekistan
23-27 March 2014 Study-visit to Norwich Institute for Language Education in Norwich, Great Britain
22-26 September 2014 Presentation of the findings and recommendations for the programme plan before the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science
24 April 2014 Presentation of the new programme at the annual IATEFL Conference
01 September 2016 Start of the pilot programme using the new programme
13 November 2018 International Practicum Conference: “New Generation Teachers-the Secrets of Success”
26 November 2019 Presentation of the evaluation of the results of the New Generation School Teachers project by Alana Mackenzie, independent professional project evaluator


The pilot programme was launched in September 2016 and ran for three years with 14 Ukrainian universities and 5 pedagogical colleges participating.

In the 2016-2017 school year, 10 universities participated in the experimental phase during which 51 university teachers taught according to the new methodology. 470 students enrolled in higher education programmes attended classes employing the new method as taught by 188 instructors.

In 2018-2019, there were already 14 universities joined the programme, representing 82 instructors, 1,283 students, 107 higher education institutions and 344 programme mentors.


The new programme is comprised of 23 modules. Each module outlines the course objectives, content and evaluation criteria. The programme also includes a glossary and core principles of programme administration. 

Classroom hours outlined in the programme: 660 (22 credit hours), of which 396 hours are in classroom practical instruction and 264 hours in independent study. 

The practice-teaching component involves classroom observation during the 2nd year of study; assisted practice-teaching during the 3rd year of instruction; and independent practice-teaching in the 4th year of instruction.


For the purpose of training university teachers the British Council in Ukraine conducted six Professional Development Schools during 2015-2017 at which more than 200 teachers were trained in both foreign language methodologies and English. The schools were a huge success, offering classes that were informative and intensive as well as fun.

From 2015 through 2018, two Professional Skills Schools were held for both university teachers and for partner teachers in order to prepare teachers for the programme’s implementation. 


- Results of the Initial Research phrase (Ukrainian).  

- Training methodology for English language teachers which includes:

  • portfolio,
  • core principles of the instruction programme,
  • modules and their specifications, 
  • evaluation criteria and sample assignments, 
  • material samples and glossary.

- Professional Development Programme for teachers and trainers:

  • Understanding learning and teaching
  • Understanding the education of teachers-in-training
  • Lesson and Instruction Planning
  • The Communicative Method of Language Instruction and Study
  • 21st Century Skills 

In 2018, in order to conduct an independent evaluation of the programme, private professional project evaluator Alan Mackenzie was hired. His report outlines programme results and steps taken by the educational institutions and teachers involved in administering it. 

On 26 November 2019, a conference will take place involving the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, representatives of 40 institutions of higher education and other unaffiliated programme participants. This conference will serve to present and examine project results and provide a brief overview of the trial programme and method of English language teaching employed during it. Attendees will have time for live, substantive Q&A with programme participants.  

For more information, see the project website.