Director: Dmytro Zakhozhenko
Cast: Pershuta Yuliya, Vasyn Oleksandr
New Theatre on Pechersk
Deliberately excluding any stage directions from his play “Lungs” that would hint at his characters’ interiority, playwright Duncan MacMillan places a categorical challenge before each new director of the piece: to play the role of codebreaker, one tasked with reconstructing the story of this British couple and the passionate exchange of dialogue that occurs between them over the course of the play and encapsulating their life together. In his recent production of the work at the Kyiv New Drama Theatre on Pechersk, Ukrainian Director Dmytro Zakhozhenko led actors
Yulia Pershuta and Oleksandr Vasiny in a determined attempt to absorb the dialogue and convey its sense to the audience, even employing video cameras to catch the actors’ faces in close-up which were projected on screens behind them. And what that dialogue delivered to the audience was the pressing concern the pair had for the fate of the planet groaning under the burden of protracted human disregard. The particularities of the lives of this man and this woman, however, of their time together, of the ups and downs of their love for each other – these they would address only with overt caution, in safely conventional terms. Sensibility, once again, has overcome sensitivity.
Author of the text: Sergiy Vasylyev, a theater critic
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