Pyatnychany Eco Park

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The Eco Park Project is about bringing together the Vinnytsia neighbourhoods of Pyatnychany and Korea to help restore nearby Pyatnychany Park. Project activists held several Saturday workdays and planted trees. 


Vinnytsia residents from the city’s Pyatnychany and Korea neighbourhoods united to restore neglected monuments in the local Pytnychany Landscape Park. The area is socially diverse but united by this once-lovely, now neglected park.

One activist living near the park couldn’t bear it any longer and the Eco Park project was born. With support from the Active Citizens programme, organizers directed their initial thrust of activity to alerting the public about the state of the park and the need to restore it to its former purpose. Organizers report that around 200 local residents came together from the neighbourhoods to spend their Saturdays clearing the space and planting trees.

Community activist Roksolana Varchuk says: "Every year the number of parks and trees worldwide is decreasing and the consequences for people are not good—climate change and quality of life are affected. This team was able to bring attention to the issue of the ruin of one of our city parks. Active Citizens helped us. Their project facilitators gave us the initial boost we needed during our training with them. And we have a result: a well-maintained park and stronger community bonds between locals and city government.”

It’s worth noting that at the completion of the project regional government representatives were alerted to the environmental impact of projects like this and they allocated fund for further park maintenance.

Ms. Varchuk continues: "After the project ended, we were approached by some people from local IT companies and we organized Saturday work-days and tree-planting projects with the IT workers.”

Local companies also partnered in making the renovation a reality including the people from Slobodianyuk IT Association and the Vinnytsia Endocrine Dispensary who helped solicit additional resources. The heads and secretaries of local neighbourhood committees involved in the project were also helpful.

What’s interesting is that the project has been continued with negotiations now ongoing with regional government to install and maintain rubbish bins throughout the park and a project was picked up by the Public Initiatives Budget called Space for Water to clean up and put order to lake shoreline in the park. Future plans include drawing up plans for the construction of a public forum and festival space near the lake.


1. Attracting as many people as possible with an interest in contributing to a high-level project. Typically, young people between 17-25 and those over 60 really respond to this kind of initiative.

2. Be confident in your abilities and be ready to work to convince people about the project potential.

3. Coordinate your team. It is important to delegate responsibility to all team members and pace yourself in the pursuit of your goals.