Friday 06 October 2017 - 17:00 to Sunday 19 November 2017 - 22:00
Національний центр Олександра Довженка, Київ

Twelve directors-finalists of this year's Taking the Stage competition will showcase their pieces of chosen British plays on 6-7 October.

During the first phase of the Taking the Stage 2017 we were calling on Ukrainian directors and their theatres to submit joint applications reflecting this year’s theme of “Borders and Boundaries”. In this year’s competition, there were no other restrictions on the production. Any work of British literature already in certified translation at the time of submission of applications was eligible. The Selection Panel has chosen 10 finalists out of 42 applications.

Each finalist will present the directorial reading of the selected play featuring actors from the theatre they have applied with. Based on the results of the show, the Selection Panel will choose three winners, who will produce the submitted work for the stage by 15 March 2018.

The mini-festival will take place on 6-7 October at the National Centre of Alexander Dovzhenko (Kyiv, Vasylkivska Str., 1), starting daily at 17:00. The entrance is free of charge.

To watch video from the first day of the festival, please go here: Mini-festival of British drama (Day 1)

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