In 2023, participants in the Supporting the Creative Economy training programme were given the opportunity to further their work in the field of cultural and creative industries by participating in a grant competition. Out of 32 applications, five outstanding projects were awarded funding of up to £8,000 and successfully implemented in 2024.
Researching the Labour Market in the Book Industry
Grantee: NGO Cultural Publishing Project Chytomo
How has the war affected working conditions in the publishing sector? Why are professionals leaving the book industry and which specialities are most in demand? What salaries does the market currently offer and who earns the most? Is there competition for talent within or beyond the industry? These and other questions were addressed in a study conducted by Chytomo in partnership with CAT-UA (Communication Analysis Team – Ukraine.
As part of the project, Chytomo also launched a series of articles about professions in the book industry, focusing on long-established roles undergoing significant transformations, emerging roles and those anticipated in the future.
There is a Dialogue
Grantee: NGO Art Association PLAI
This project aimed to foster dialogue between representatives of cultural industries, business and government in Vinnytsia. Six events were organised at strategic city locations, serving as platforms for discussing and analysing local creative sectors. The project created opportunities for collaboration and strengthened connections among various stakeholders in the cultural and creative industries ecosystem.
Watch recordings of four events: YouTube Playlist ‘There is a Dialogue’.
Grantee: NGO Centre for Public Innovations
This project involved four surveys, 20 in-depth interviews, one panel discussion and three roundtables, where nine policy briefs were presented and later forwarded to government representatives. The project aimed to co-ordinate active stakeholders and develop tools for implementing Ukraine’s cultural policy, taking into account the sector’s actual potential, opportunities, and priorities.
Grantee: NGO Design for Ukraine
The AGREEMENT project was designed to empower the Ukrainian creative community in the field of intellectual property and contractual relations, with a primary focus on designers and illustrators. The project produced standard contract templates, developed by experts from the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovations (IP Office) and Alla Smorodina, a renowned intellectual property lawyer. These templates address key issues such as rounds of revisions, payment terms, intellectual property rights, permissions and restrictions on the use of works.
Additionally, a guide was developed to explain the importance of these contracts, provide negotiation tips and protect intellectual property rights.
Access the contract templates.
Culture Practitioners’ Workshop
Grantee: Ukrainian Catholic University
The Culture Practitioners’ Workshop is an educational programme aimed at helping cultural institutions adapt to societal changes during wartime. In 2024, the project focused on the theme of cultural calendars, which organise time and define the values underpinning culture.
The programme included training, practical sessions and discussions with experts, equipping participants from across Ukraine with new approaches to planning events and programming activities. These efforts enabled participants to incorporate resilience and recovery into their cultural initiatives.