10:00 "Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in LHs."
During the workshop, you will develop a way of designing learning and teaching so that all students are able to participate and achieve. You will also consider UDL and its implications for communication both in the classroom and while arranging extracurricular activities. The key ideas of UDL are very closely connected to inclusion, so this webinar may also be an opportunity to discuss inclusion issues and find feasible solutions.
12:00 - "Collaborative skills in LHs."
The workshop will engage you in refreshing your knowledge, revisiting concepts and getting materials required to facilitate development of communication and collaboration. You will have ample opportunities to communicate and collaborate with colleagues, practice and reflect on your learning. The participation will let you reconsider ways to integrate the development of communicative and collaborative skills for all students into your everyday practice.
14:00 - "Online learning: the what? the how? the why?"
The workshop will provide you with multifold opportunities to analyse and decide what is online learning and what it is not, what to do and what not to do. You will get to know how to create a supportive learning environment online, how to deal with common online issues, and how to adapt your teaching to today’s demands. The webinar will facilitate your shaping the vision on why we need to develop tomorrow’s skills today.
Всі три заняття проводять:
- Тетяна Декшна - тренер у проектах Британської Ради, член ради IATEFL, учитель англійської й німецької мов.
- Мирослава Лобойко - тренер у проектах Британської Ради, вчитель англійської мови; вчитель року у Львівській області та дипломант Всеукраїнського конкурсу «Вчитель року» (2012).