The British Council in Ukraine in partnership with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of the Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Advance HE (UK) and with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Ukraine and National Agency for in Higher Education  Quality Assurance is implementing the Ukraine Higher Education Teaching Excellence Programme

Aim of the Programme is to foster quality of higher education of Ukraine through developing institutional capacity in teaching and learning excellence. The programme was designed based on the initial analysis of the HE needs in Ukraine.

The Programme seeks to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Launch of a national platform for professional discussion and exchange of best practices on developing teaching excellence in higher education.
  • Cohort of teachers and university management ready to embed changes and share best practices in developing teaching and learning excellence with colleagues within their institutions and beyond.
  • Support the implementation of institutional projects in teaching and learning.

In three years (2020-2022) overall 30 Ukrainian universities will participate in the Programme. Each university team consists of four team members each (three teachers and one representative of the university management). 

Programme Structure 

The Programme consists of two components: train-the training component for university teachers and "Centres of Excellence" component for university management.  

Teachers’ component focuses on practical approaches for teaching and learning in higher education. The core focus is to encourage participants to engage in new approaches based on student centred learning that they can apply in the classroom with their own students, and evaluate and share with other colleagues. 

"Centres of Excellence" component aims at developing institutional teaching and learning strategies and Centres of Excellence to encourage sustainable professional development of teachers within Ukraine Higher Education institutions. 

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