The project "Strengthening intersectoral cooperation through social cohesion" has been completed. So it is time to share our experience and discuss the results that we, together with national partners and participating organizations, obtained during its implementation.

The purpose of the conference  

National Conference "Laboratory of Cooperation" brings together active citizens to share experiences of implementation of social action projects through cross-sectoral cooperation.

Conference programme 

The conference consists of educational interviews and interactive video podcasts. You can watch it online here: 

The conference program consists of the following blocks:

  • Story from Novovolynsk "How we implemented social action projects and how they continue to work"
  • Video Podcast "The work of the public sector under occupation: the experience of the Kherson Regional Charity Fund "UNION"
  • Video Podcast "Mental health in wartime: where to find inner resources for personal growth"
  • Video Podcast "Practical tools for wellness: how to support yourself and your loved ones"
  • Panel discussion "Volunteering: how to build an effective work"

Whom do we invite  

  • Active citizens who want to participate in the development of cooperation with other sectors and become part of positive changes in their communities throughout Ukraine.
  • Representatives of civil society, entrepreneurs, winners and participants of the pitchings who work on the implementation of social action projects in communities. 
  • Representatives of local governments and authorities at various levels. 

Working language: Ukrainian 

This conference is the final result of the implementation of the project "Strengthening intersectoral cooperation through social cohesion", which is co-financed by the European Union and the British Council and implemented by the British Council together with three experienced national partners: NGO "Strong Community", NGO "Youth Platform" and the Kherson Regional Charity Fund "UNION". The project "Strengthening cross-sectoral cooperation for social cohesion" is implemented within the framework of the British Council's "Active Citizens" program.

Within the scope of the project, we held 24 regional and 13 local pitchings, and supported more than 300 social action projects. In addition, we conducted several trainings for facilitators, who then shared their knowledge and skills through local trainings on the implementation of social action projects in their communities.

Also, during the project, we created three online courses on the topics of project design, management, and social cohesion.